So... I can't remember actually ever building a snowman. Sad, I know. But I did live in California for most of my life that I remember. And then I just never did it in Provo. (I generally don't like playing in the snow. I much prefer watching it fall while I'm cuddled up in a blanket with some hot chocolate and a book.) So I added it to my 101 list and kind of forgot about it. But then Karen has been really good about bugging me to do my 101 list. (It's nice to have supportive roommates.) I know there are goals on my list that simply won't happen at this point, and I'm okay with that. I kind of figured that's how the snowman one would be when it was suddenly March and the weather started acting like it was spring. But Karen dragged me up to Bogus a few weekends ago and we made a couple of miniature snowmen. The snow had pretty much turned to ice except for the first few inches, so we weren't able to make them super big, so we went for quantity instead of quality. (Maybe next year we'll make a big one.)

Also, since I don't ever remember making a snow angel, either, we took the time to do that.
Another thing on my list was to try some aerial art. I figured this one wasn't going to happen, since I couldn't find anywhere in Boise that did this. I knew there was a facility in Salt Lake, but not around here. But I happened to Google it one day and found an aerial silks workshop being taught at Ophidia Studio, so I signed up and went. It was way harder than I was anticipating. So much flexibility, arm strength, and core strength are required. I got a bit frustrated, but it was pretty fun to try it out. I'm already sore, just a couple of hours later. I'll likely be feeling it more the next few days.
Also, the studio does have some aerial yoga and aerial fitness classes. I may have to check those out at some point. Maybe during my next 101 list? :-)