Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017, by the numbers

I really like doing this year-end review by the numbers. Another year on the books. Happy New Year, everyone!

Miles driven in my car: 17,669
States lived in: 2
States lived in/been in (including airports): 11

States lived in/been in (not including airports): 4 
Airports been in: 12
Countries visited/lived in: 1
Round-trip plane trips: 4
Amusement parks visited: 0
Times driven to Utah and back: 6.5 

Nights away from home: 46

Jobs held: 2
States where I am an LCSW: 2
First dates went on: 0
Second dates went on: 0
Books read: 62 (20,583 pages, per Goodreads)

Places lived in: 3
Wards member of: 2
Roommates had: 0 (2 if you count parents, 3 if you add in one sister...)
Cars driven: 4
Blogs posted: 11
Friends on Facebook: 312
Calligraphy classes taken: 3

Massages received: 5 
Races run: 7
Run/walk miles logged in RunKeeper: 550.1
Overall pounds lost: 9.8

Restaurants visited/ordered from: 103
Times went out/ordered/got food from restaurants: 143
Movies watched: 27 
Plays/musicals attended: 4 

Callings held: 3
Blessings (including setting aparts) received: 4
Temples/temple grounds visited: 6
Number of proxy initiatories completed: 67
Number of proxy endowments completed: 16
Number of proxy sealings completed: 0
Live sealings attended: 0

101 List:
101 list goals completed: 14
101 list goals in progress: 13

My Year in Facebook Statuses- 2017 Edition

  • This winter needs to be over! I got stuck in snow four different times while driving home from work and almost got into two accidents. I was very fortunate to not have any damage to myself or my car and to have co-workers or random strangers come to my rescue each time. But I think I want to hibernate until all this snow is gone.
  • So...I was trying to get to the Hyundai dealership to get snow tires and instead got stuck in my parking lot. Tow truck ETA is 6:30 this evening. Can any of my friends rescue me sooner?Update: landscapers got me out. The dealership didn't have any winter tires in stock. On my way to a tire store. Because I am not going back to my complex without winter tires. Thanks for all the concern! Update #2: Tim at Big O Tires on Fairview and Cole is awesome and very helpful and new winter tires are being put on now. :-) Update #3 (hopefully last one about this ever): The snow tires are handling beautifully. Though when I tried to get back into my complex again, I got stuck. It was a mess. I even saw an SUV struggling. I managed to back out and stayed away until they cleared the lot. But now it's clear, I'm home safe, and I might actually be able to make it through this winter.
  • I really want to plan a small vacation to somewhere warm towards the end of this month/beginning of next month (I really need something to look forward to as we ride out these crazy storms). Nothing super long... just a couple of extra days tacked on to a weekend or something. Any suggestions or adventure buddies?
  • So... I cancelled my paid memberships to dating sites a few days ago because nothing was really happening and I don't want to keep throwing away money. (And let's be honest, dating is kind of the worst.) But in the last few days, I've gotten more "flirts" and "likes" on my profiles than I did in the previous few months combined. So I think that maybe dating sites make your profile a "featured profile" temporarily when you cancel your membership so that you come back and pay again so you can see who the heck these guys are. It's a conspiracy. Thoughts?
  • Am I too young to become a snowbird? Because I'm done with this winter. I just want to be warm again!
  • A couple of friends were going to come up from Utah to watch Once with me this weekend, but with the weather they aren't coming anymore. :-( But...this gives you the opportunity to come watch it with me instead! I have two extra tickets for the 8pm performance on Saturday (at the Morrison Center). Each ticket is $41.22. Who's in?
  • Power outage. Fun... :-(

  • First day of the season for Boise Galloway and I dropped two minutes on my magic mile time from six months ago and I kept within 5 seconds of my pace each lap. Love seeing that progress!
  • I'm considering finally getting a new credit card, as I still only have the one I got when I started college 9.5 years ago. (Yikes! Feeling old.) I think I want something that will give me good travel rewards regardless of airline. (I used to be loyal to Southwest, but it isn't always the cheapest out of Boise.) I might also be open to a credit card with other good rewards or maybe cash back. Suggestions?

  • Hit double digits for the first time ever on my run today! Being able to complete a half is within reach. :-) 
  • Beware the Ides of March is right! Grateful for a speed workout that let out some of the tension and frustration after a crazy day of work... and I'm especially grateful for the warm shower and cozy pajamas after said speed workout.

  • I realize that April Fools' Day is not the ideal day to announce this... But Karen and I just registered for the St. George Marathon this October! (This running thing has gotten a bit out of hand.) Feel free to join us in our insanity. Registration opened this morning and goes on until they hit their 7800 runner cap.
  • I was looking at my carpet today and realized how dirty it is. And I just vacuumed yesterday! I guess the vacuum cleaner I took from my parents' storage unit isn't working well. (Sorry, Mom and Dad). Anybody have recommendations on a good vacuum? Or have thoughts on robot vacuums?

  • Some days are a struggle and they become even less fun when you somehow manage to lock yourself out of your car. Oh well. Thank goodness for Hyundai Roadside Assistance? (At least this gives me an excuse to miss hill training tonight. So...Maybe it's a good thing. Haha.)
  • Came home to a 24 hour notice to enter on my door so my management company can do their biannual and HVAC inspections. I apparently need to remove all items from under all my sinks (obnoxious), make sure there's access to all HVAC and water systems (fine) and make sure all smoke alarms and light fixtures are properly installed. Normally not a problem, but of course, my smoke detector started beeping and now I have to go out and buy a 9V battery tonight. (All while hoping they they remember to re-lock my door tomorrow, since they didn't one time they did a check and my roommate came home to a wide open front door.) Renting is so fun sometimes.

  • Glacier this month! What are the are the must-dos that I need to add to my list?

  • Loved spending the last week with both sides of my family as we celebrated my parents returning from their mission. But as great as this last week was, I'm grateful to be back in my own apartment. Being an introvert in a family of extroverts can be exhausting! Good thing I love them anyways. I mean, I am stuck with them for eternity. :-)

  • I've been feeling for a while that a big change would be coming in my life and now I finally know what it is. It is with incredibly mixed emotions that I'm announcing that I've accepted a position as (job) at (company) and will be starting with their new semester in three weeks. Boise has truly become my home over the last five years (it's almost the longest I've lived anywhere in my life!) and I'm going to miss it, my job, my co-workers, and my friends so much. I've grown so much in so many ways over the last five years and closing this chapter of my life won't be easy, but I'm also very excited to continue to grow both personally and professionally as I move to Salt Lake and tackle this new role.
  • Okay, guys. Looking at housing is overwhelming and I would love any help/suggestions. I'm looking to move to Salt Lake County. Requirements: 2 bedroom (or a really large one bedroom, as I have a lot of stuff), W/D hook-ups, covered parking, safe area. Bonus points if near TRAX or in a really good singles ward/area. I'd prefer not to spend over $900/month in rent, though I could higher. Suggestions?
  • Momentous occasion today: first time anybody has thought that I was pregnant and actually asked me if I was. (For the record, I'm not. Unless there's another virgin birth going on that I'm not aware of...)
  • It's my birthday today. I always feel a bit awkward letting people know that. I struggle being the center of attention or feeling like I'm forcing people to do something for me. But with all the craziness going on in my life right now, I'd love a gift from you. I'd love to hear a favorite memory of the two of us or just something you appreciate about me. If that's not your style, memes are also appreciated. Absolutely no pressure to do so. But I think this is a better way for me to celebrate a birthday than just a lot of people wishing me happy birthday because Facebook tells them they should. Regardless, thank you for being in my life. I'm so lucky to have you.

  • Had to scrape my windshield this morning. I'm not ready for this weather!

  • What did you guys do today? I got a bit sunburned...And ran a marathon! I still can't believe I did it. Training has been hard physically and I've really been struggling with my mental game. There were even a few times today I wasn't sure if I could pull it off. But I didn't get swept and I finished! My body isn't super happy with me right now, but I am so happy with myself. Now I know I can do anything. 
  • Ok. I need to get a new personal laptop. I don't need anything fancy... just something for internet browsing and Microsoft Office. And I need to get it before NaNo because I do NOT want to do that by hand. Any suggestions?
  • My GPS wasn't working this morning, but I successfully navigated where I needed to go by just using the grid system! It works! I did get slightly lost when the grid didn't entirely connect, but I figured it out and feel very accomplished.
  • More fun from my previous management company: got mail from them today and I opened it, expecting it to be a check with the rest of my deposit back. I was interested to see how much money they'd give me back (didn't think it would be much, knowing them). But nope. It was someone else's statement and bill. I don't know how this company has stayed in business and actually taken over a lot of the Treasure Valley. I'm so glad to be (almost) done with them. Here's to hoping they didn't send my check (or info to steal my identity) to someone else.

  • It's a Sara Bareilles kind of night.
  • I now have a Utah driver's license and license plates and a Salt Lake County library card. Guess there's no going back now.
  • I was a NaNo rebel this year, working on several different projects instead of just one novel. But I wrote 50,000 words total, and with an hour and 15 minutes to spare... I'm counting it as a win! 

  • Looking at getting LASIK. Have any of my Salt Lake friends had that done? I'm likely looking at going to either Hoopes Vision or LasikPlus and would love recommendations or insights.
  • Running hills at 6000 feet is either going to help me get a lot stronger and faster or it's going to kill me. Let's hope it's the former instead of the latter.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Meridian Temple open house and dedication, make-up, and a brief life update

Once again, I am behind in blogging. But I need to update on a few things before I do my "year in review" posts tomorrow.

Over two months ago, I was able to cross "go to a temple open house" off of my 101 list. I was able to go back to Boise for a quick trip and got to help with the Meridian temple open house. I've been to plenty of open houses before, but never got to help usher, so that was neat. I especially enjoyed my first couple of hours, where I was at the doors and welcomed and counted people. (I even got a clicker counter to use, which reminded me of my good old speech therapy days.) They then switched me out and I wandered around and relieved people who needed a break. (I tried to, at least. Only one person took me up on it.) It's a really pretty building, inside and out, and I'll definitely have to go back and do a session there one day.

Then, a few weeks later, my dad and I popped over the border into Franklin, Idaho to watch the dedication broadcast. I'm glad I was able to go. It's kind of weird having been in Boise during all the groundbreaking and construction but not during the open house and dedication. I couldn't just not be part of it!

Also, as another 101 list note, I'm crossing off "try a new make-up brand/type." I bought some Senegence. Not totally in love with LipSense. I'm just so lazy when it comes to make-up and rarely use lipstick. But their foundation and mascara seem to be working okay for me.

In November, I won NaNoWriMo again. I was a total rebel, as I was writing four different things. But I did write 50,000 words in a month, so I'm counting it.

As far as life goes, definitely staying busy with my new job. Lots to do. But I love the people I work with and it's a really fun time to be there and help with a lot, especially being in a newly created position. Also, my parents moved into their new house and I'm living with them there currently. It's lovely, though I'm not loving the commute. I've been pretty spoiled to never have my commute be longer than 20-25 minutes. At least the train has been nice to at least do things during part of the commute. I probably need to start looking for my own house to buy, though. Eek! I don't know if I'm grown up enough to do that. Haha.

I'm still running. I've done 3 of 12 races for my race a month for a year goal. I did 10 miles today, which was the most I've done since the marathon, and my body is really feeling it. I need to figure out what race I'm doing in January and I'm debating if I'm up for a half or not. I ran into a kind couple at my December race and they introduced me to an awesome Utah Facebook community of runners, and that's been nice to connect to people at least virtually that way. I know I need to try harder to make some friends here, though it's hard when I don't entirely have the desire to. (#introvertproblems) But runners are great and this Facebook group seems super supportive, so I probably should tap into that more. I should also probably try harder in my new ward, but it's so ginormous and overwhelming. They're splitting into two Elder Quorums and two Relief Societies this next year though, so maybe it'll be a bit easier then. But for now, I'm grateful for my friends who were already in Utah who spend time with me. I'm lucky to have such great people in my life.